For those of you who may know me or have ever heard me speak know that I am very “into” health and fitness. I am NOT a doctor or a nutritionist. I am someone who had a Mom who went out of her way to keep herself, her daughters and husband very healthy and not sick, if we had a big meal she would make all of go for a long walk, even if we had company over for dinner, she would make them go on a walk also. From her, I developed a love of health and fitness myself.
The fact that what I put or don’t put into my body makes a difference in how I feel, think, move and look, totally amazes me! It has been said that “Food is the best medicine” and I am a total believer. I am in my 50’s, own my own business (which is more than a full time job) do not take any medications, do not have any diseases, rarely get sick, work out 5 to 6 days a week, have my blood levels checked at least yearly and al the numbers are in the “excellent” range, and 99.9%+ of the time I feel absolutely fantastic.
This blog is always about how to attain your goals and live the life that you want, the life that you deserve. And I am here to tell you that I meet people everyday who have dreams and aspiration but don’t feel good enough to do anything about them. That is sad. When you don’t feel good, you can’t do good. It takes health to complete the picture of the life of your dreams. There have been so many new things coming out to not just prolong our lives, but to let us enjoy the extra years without suffering.
The body is so forgiving, until…. it isn’t. We feed it badly, don’t rest or exercise it enough and then we are surprised when we end up in the ER or having a heart attack or being diagnosed with cancer. It just takes a simple shift in your thinking. We all must be open to change and approach health differently. Let’s talk about something that we as humans do on a routine basis. EAT!! When it comes to nutrition ignorance is NOT bliss. It can shorten your life. Science has proven that every bite we take changes the biology of our bodies, including the way our fat genes react, how much inflammation our body has, as well as how all of our genes “express themselves.” We have known for a long time that we cannot change our genes, however, our genes do not matter as much as how they “express” themselves do. For example, a person may have the “gene” that causes breast cancer but that gene never “expresses” itself — meaning it does not turn “on” – that person will never get breast cancer. The genes have to get turned on for disease to appear.
Everything that enters our mouths affects our immune system, hormones, insulin level, thyroid, blood system and sex and adrenal hormones etc.
Organic? Some only buy organic and some feel it is a “waste of money.” That topic can be controversial, but here is what I do know: It has proven that chemicals used on our food enters our bodies and stays there causing a lot of harm to us. There are over 3,000 high-risk toxins, approved by the FDA to be in the American food supply. These toxins are all excluded from organic food.
Most people don’t have any idea how good their body should feel. I realize that some people have the saying “I live to eat, I don’t eat to live.” And while I do believe that we should “live life” but trust me what I say that living life with no diseases, no pain, no medicines to remember every day is, in my opinion, truly living!
What if what I am saying is true? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel good, stop aging so fast and be able to be as active as you were as a child?
Live Your Dreams! It IS possible!