2017 is HERE! Looking back, how did 2016 look for you? Were your goals and dreams accomplished? Are you happy at the things that happened? Did you become a better, smarter, more dedicated person to yourself? If you don’t feel good about what happened in 2016, what is holding you back from making your story become the life that you have dreamed about?
Whatever happened to you last year was necessary for your growth. NOW is the time to look back, and learn and to create intention and a shift in your thinking to create the steps to improve your life bound by self-love and backed by daily behaviors. Setting goals keeps us on the right path, but getting rid of old habits might just be the key to success.
I believe that for most of us we fail to stick to our resolutions because they actually are “shoulds” — you know, the old familiar “I should eat better” “I should work out more” “I should be more focused on my goals” etc. We end up “shoulding” all over ourselves and “should” is filled with stress and the feeling that we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. Nothing good comes from those feelings. This external “critique” of ourselves can be replaced with self-love.
But self-love is sometimes hard to achieve. We are taught, usually starting from a young age to put others first. So, now even when we are suffering it may be hard to get rid of that feeling. Taking small steps is the key. Start by saying these things to yourself everyday, several times a day. Start now whether you believe these things about yourself or not, you will soon. Put them on your bathroom mirror, at your bedside so you see it first thing, at your desk at work and in your car so that you see them all day long.
I am a strong, funny, inspiring, lovable person.
I am enough.
I am lovable.
Focus on being true to yourself and become self aware of your needs and give yourself the permission to accomplish your goals without regret, without the feeling that you “should” be doing something else instead. Focus on your “wants” and not your “should’s.”
Some questions that you can consider are:
What do “I” really want?
What am I doing when I am the happiest?
What could I do to make my life more content?
How can I achieve these things?
What you were in the past does not define you. Make your own new story TODAY!
Start today with what you already have.
Live Your Dreams! It IS Possible!