My husband and I have been together for the past 26 years. About 16 years ago he asked me to come into his already thriving business as Chief Operations Officer/Co Owner. I was delighted.
He had owned his own business for years and was used to being the “boss” and having the last decision, as was I. I had not owned a business before, but had been in leadership type positions where I made the decisions. Needless to say, we have had to make some changes in our attitudes of “I am the boss.”
We are constantly asked how we can live together and work together and still are crazy about each other? Here are some steps that we take to ensure that we continue to amaze and wow our clients as well as each other on the job, and can still go home and be best friends and husband and wife. These tips are not just for couples who cohabitate with each other, but for any business that you want to grow.
- Communicate.
More often than not, we have short talks all through the day. Some days it is difficult because we may be with clients, but we make sure to talk first thing in the morning and when we reconvene at home in the evenings or if we have time to grab a coffee mid day. It doesn’t have to be long talks, just whatever needs to be discussed to ensure that both of us, and especially our clients are always happy. Keep in mind that email and text messages for important issues may not be a good idea because words can have different meanings without a voice distinguishing tone and intention.
- Respect.
We all have strengths and weaknesses. It is important to find out what each person is good at and then take advantage of that and let him or her do what he or she does —- without interference. These roles may change down the road but deciding up front will head off a lot of disagreements.
- Goals.
Having compatible goals is essential. And remember that as long as you reach the agreed upon goal in the end, it doesn’t matter how each of you got there. That is called “living in peace.” You must share the same outcome of the goal and decide ahead if time of you will both be able to work together to get there.
- Respect.
This one should go with out saying – and just might be the most important point. Respect is something that, if it is lacking, your clients WILL notice as well as your partner and employees. As the golden rule states, treat each other, as you would like to be treated. And most importantly, if you make a mistake, own up to it. Don’t try to find someone else to put the blame on. Blaming others is rarely believable and only leads to harsh feeling.
- Full Support.
Working together peacefully and successfully is a work in progress. When issues come up, work them out right away. Issues left to fester will only be bigger.
Live Your Dreams! It IS Possible!